OMG, Kelly's Cannoli's were amazing, incredible. They busted my chops!

You've got to be kidding me! The best cannolis are in Seattle. What's da matta with you! I'm from NYC. I know cannolis. You want a cannoli? Go to Besonhurst or Cipolli's in Jersey.
Not anymore!!!!
OMG, Kelly's Cannoli's were amazing, incredible. They busted my chops!
After test driving cars in Lake City, I spied this little pink kiosk advertising cannolis. Huh? I did a sharp U turn, pulled my car in front, and strolled up to the window. "You make cannolis?"
"Yes, the owner's from New Jersey," the charming young woman from Snohomish explained.
We bought a bunch, brought them back to our apartment in Belltown, and ate them immediately. Ricotta cheese sprayed out of my mouth as I jumped up and down with glee. These cannolis were the best I ever tasted. I was flabbergasted. I am going to get to know Lake City real well. Are there any nice apartments in Lake City? Maybe I'll just sleep in my car next to Kelly Cannoli. You don't know what you're missing. Go to Kelly Cannoli's now!
Read Phil G.'s review of Kelly Cannoli on Yelp